

Assignment name  : sort_list
Expected files   : sort_list.c
Allowed functions: 

Write the following functions:

t_list	*sort_list(t_list* lst, int (*cmp)(int, int));

This function must sort the list given as a parameter, using the function 
pointer cmp to select the order to apply, and returns a pointer to the 
first element of the sorted list.

Duplications must remain.

Inputs will always be consistent.

You must use the type t_list described in the file list.h 
that is provided to you. You must include that file 
(#include "list.h"), but you must not turn it in. We will use our own 
to compile your assignment.

Functions passed as cmp will always return a value different from 
0 if a and b are in the right order, 0 otherwise.

For example, the following function used as cmp will sort the list 
in ascending order:

int ascending(int a, int b)
	return (a <= b);
#include "list.h"

void	swap_values(t_list *a, t_list *b)
	int swap = a->data;
	a->data = b->data;
	b->data = swap;

t_list	*sort_list(t_list* lst, int (*cmp)(int, int))
	int swapped = 1;
	t_list *cur = lst;

	while (swapped == 1)
		swapped = 0;
		while (cur != 0 && cur->next != 0)
			if (cmp(cur->data, cur->next->data) == 0)
				swap_values(cur, cur->next);
				swapped = 1;
			cur = cur->next;
		cur = lst;
	return (lst);

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>

// int ascending(int a, int b)
// {
// 	return (a <= b);
// }

// int	main(void)
// {
// 	t_list *c = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	c->next = 0;
// 	c->data = 45;

// 	t_list *b = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	b->next = c;
// 	b->data = 73;

// 	t_list *a = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	a->next = b;
// 	a->data = 108;

// 	t_list *cur = a;
// 	while (cur)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", cur->data);
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");

// 	cur = sort_list(a, ascending);

// 	// cur = a;
// 	while (cur)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", cur->data);
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }


Assignment name  : sort_int_tab
Expected files   : sort_int_tab.c
Allowed functions: 

Write the following function:

void sort_int_tab(int *tab, unsigned int size);

It must sort (in-place) the 'tab' int array, that contains exactly 'size'
members, in ascending order.

Doubles must be preserved.

Input is always coherent.
void	swap_values(int *a, int *b)
	int swap = *a;
	*a = *b;
	*b = swap;

void	sort_int_tab(int *tab, unsigned int size)
	unsigned int i;
	int swapped = 1;

	while (swapped == 1)
		i = 1;
		swapped = 0;
		while (i < size)
			if (tab[i - 1] > tab[i])
				swap_values(&tab[i - 1], &tab[i]);
				swapped = 1;

// #include <stdio.h>

// void	print_arr(int *tab, unsigned int size)
// {
// 	unsigned int i = 0;
// 	while (i < size)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", tab[i]);
// 		++i;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	int tab[] = { 5, -4, 3, -2, 1, 0 };
// 	unsigned int size = sizeof(tab) / sizeof(*tab);

// 	print_arr(tab, size);
// 	sort_int_tab(tab, size);
// 	print_arr(tab, size);
// }


# rostring

## Conceptual Overview
### The Problem
We are asked to write a program that is given a string as argument. It prints the 2nd through last words followed by the first word, with exactly one space between the words printed.

[ [Full Subject](subject.en.txt) | [Examples](examples.txt) ]

### Approach
Create a huge array of pointers to char. Step through the string passed as argument, converting spaces & tabs to '\0', and as the beginning of each word is found, store a pointer to it in the array. Print the 2nd through last words in the array followed by a space, then print the first word.

This approach is sloppy and tedious to code, but easy to debug.

## Pseudocode
If exactly 0 arguments have been given
	print a newline and exit
set char *str to the beginning of the first argument
create an array named "words" containing several thousand char * pointers initialized to NULL
set int i to 0
while str points to a non-'\0' character
	while str points to a whitespace, non-'\0' character
		set the character pointed to by str to '\0'
		increment str forward one character
	if str points to a non-'\0' character
		set element i in the array words to the value of str
	while str points to a non-whitespace, non-'\0' character
		increment str forward one character
	if str points to a non-'\0' character
		set i to its own value plus 1
set int i to 1
while element i of the array words is a non-NULL pointer
	print the string pointed to by element i of words
	set i to its own value plus 1
if element 0 of the array words is a non-NULL pointer
	print the string pointed to by element 0 of words
print a newline

## Test cases
./rostring "Que la      lumiere soit et la lumiere fut"
./rostring "     AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y"
./rostring "first" "2" "11000000"
./rostring "abc"
./rostring " abc"
./rostring "abc "
./rostring "abc def"
./rostring "abc  def   ghi    "
./rostring ""
./rostring " "
Assignment name  : rostring
Expected files   : rostring.c
Allowed functions: write, malloc, free

Write a program that takes a string and displays this string after rotating it
one word to the left.

Thus, the first word becomes the last, and others stay in the same order.

A "word" is defined as a part of a string delimited either by spaces/tabs, or
by the start/end of the string.

Words will be separated by only one space in the output.

If there's less than one argument, the program displays \n.


$>./rostring "abc   " | cat -e
$>./rostring "Que la      lumiere soit et la lumiere fut"
la lumiere soit et la lumiere fut Que
$>./rostring "     AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y"
zLKIJz , 23y AkjhZ
$>./rostring "first" "2" "11000000"
$>./rostring | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

int		skip_whitespace(char *str, int i)
	while (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t')
	return (i);

int		ft_wordlen(char *str)
	int i = 0;

	while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t')
	return (i);

int		print_word(char *str, int i, int *is_first)
	int word_len;

	i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	word_len = ft_wordlen(str + i);
	if (*is_first == 0)
		write(1, " ", 1);
	write(1, str + i, word_len);
	*is_first = 0;
	return (i + word_len);

int		epur_str(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	int is_first = 1;

	i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	while (str[i] != '\0')
		i = print_word(str, i, &is_first);
		i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	return (is_first);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc >= 2)
		char *str = argv[1];
		int i = 0;
		int is_first;

		i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
		i = i + ft_wordlen(str + i);
		is_first = epur_str(str + i);
		print_word(str, 0, &is_first);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);


Assignment name  : rev_wstr
Expected files   : rev_wstr.c
Allowed functions: write, malloc, free

Write a program that takes a string as a parameter, and prints its words in 
reverse order.

A "word" is a part of the string bounded by spaces and/or tabs, or the 
begin/end of the string.

If the number of parameters is different from 1, the program will display 

In the parameters that are going to be tested, there won't be any "additional" 
spaces (meaning that there won't be additionnal spaces at the beginning or at 
the end of the string, and words will always be separated by exactly one space).


$> ./rev_wstr "You hate people! But I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?" | cat -e
ironic? it Isn't gatherings. love I But people! hate You$
$>./rev_wstr "abcdefghijklm"
$> ./rev_wstr "Wingardium Leviosa" | cat -e
Leviosa Wingardium$
$> ./rev_wstr | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void	rev_wstr(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	int j;
	int first_word = 1;

	while (str[i] != '\0')

	while (i >= 0)
		while (i >= 0 && (str[i] == '\0' || str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t'))
		j = i;
		while (j >= 0 && str[j] != ' ' && str[j] != '\t')
		if (first_word == 0)
			write(1, " ", 1);
		write(1, str + j + 1, i - j);
		first_word = 0;
		i = j;

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)

	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);


Assignment name  : ft_split
Expected files   : ft_split.c
Allowed functions: malloc

Write a function that takes a string, splits it into words, and returns them as
a NULL-terminated array of strings.

A "word" is defined as a part of a string delimited either by spaces/tabs/new
lines, or by the start/end of the string.

Your function must be declared as follows:

char    **ft_split(char *str);
#include <stdlib.h>

int		ft_wordlen(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t' && str[i] != '\n')
	return (i);

char	*word_dupe(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	int len = ft_wordlen(str);
	char *word = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
	word[len] = '\0';

	while (i < len)
		word[i] = str[i];
	return (word);

void	fill_words(char **array, char *str)
	int word_index = 0;
	while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n')
	while (*str != '\0')
		array[word_index] = word_dupe(str);
		while (*str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str != '\n')
		while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n')

int		count_words(char *str)
	int num_words = 0;
	while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n')
	while (*str != '\0')
		while (*str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str != '\n')
		while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n')
	return (num_words);

char	**ft_split(char *str)
	int		num_words;
	char	**array;

	num_words = count_words(str);
	array = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (num_words + 1));
	array[num_words] = 0;

	fill_words(array, str);
	return (array);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	// char test[] = "\njrS58VHQ	\n   	p70fL		Kx2sRP0So3E4rC9  \n nebpv3J5ousO84Pa1HjUQOImUhjwZpGn	\n \n	X28iT7Ap9 	DIYAF9ZSpKcs0Rcv\n uzO\n		\nZ7zjEeonALOKQF5xq	\n   \nQxp0b1ufFKGJ	\n2n8R9zUvZEtOwmqf\n	";
// 	char test[] = "DIYAF9ZSpKcs0Rcv \n uzO\n		\nZ7zjEeonALOKQF5xq	\n   \nQxp0b1ufFKGJ	\n2n8R9zUvZEtOwmqf\n	";

// 	char **arr = ft_split(test);

// 	int i = 0;
// 	while (arr[i] != 0)
// 	{
// 		printf("[%s]\n", arr[i]);
// 		++i;
// 	}
// }


Assignment name  : ft_list_remove_if
Expected files   : ft_list_remove_if.c
Allowed functions: free

Write a function called ft_list_remove_if that removes from the
passed list any element the data of which is "equal" to the reference data.

It will be declared as follows :

void ft_list_remove_if(t_list **begin_list, void *data_ref, int (*cmp)());

cmp takes two void* and returns 0 when both parameters are equal.

You have to use the ft_list.h file, which will contain:

$>cat ft_list.h
typedef struct      s_list
    struct s_list   *next;
    void            *data;
}                   t_list;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ft_list.h"

void ft_list_remove_if(t_list **begin_list, void *data_ref, int (*cmp)())
	if (begin_list == NULL || *begin_list == NULL)

	t_list *cur = *begin_list;

	if (cmp(cur->data, data_ref) == 0)
		*begin_list = cur->next;
		ft_list_remove_if(begin_list, data_ref, cmp);
	cur = *begin_list;
	ft_list_remove_if(&cur->next, data_ref, cmp);

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <string.h>

// void	print_list(t_list **begin_list)
// {
// 	t_list *cur = *begin_list;
// 	while (cur != 0)
// 	{
// 		printf("%s\n", cur->data);
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// }

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	char straa[] = "String aa";
// 	t_list *aa = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	aa->next = 0;
// 	aa->data = straa;

// 	char strbb[] = "String bb";
// 	t_list *bb = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	bb->next = 0;
// 	bb->data = strbb;

// 	char strcc[] = "String cc";
// 	t_list *cc = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	cc->next = 0;
// 	cc->data = strcc;

// 	char strdd[] = "String dd";
// 	t_list *dd = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	dd->next = 0;
// 	dd->data = strdd;

// 	aa->next = bb;
// 	bb->next = cc;
// 	cc->next = dd;

// 	t_list **begin_list = &aa;

// 	print_list(begin_list);
// 	printf("----------\n");
// 	ft_list_remove_if(begin_list, straa, strcmp);
// 	print_list(begin_list);
// }


Assignment name  : ft_list_foreach
Expected files   : ft_list_foreach.c, ft_list.h
Allowed functions: 

Write a function that takes a list and a function pointer, and applies this
function to each element of the list.

It must be declared as follows:

void    ft_list_foreach(t_list *begin_list, void (*f)(void *));

The function pointed to by f will be used as follows:


You must use the following structure, and turn it in as a file called

typedef struct    s_list
    struct s_list *next;
    void          *data;
}                 t_list;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ft_list.h"

void	ft_list_foreach(t_list *begin_list, void (*f)(void *))
	if (begin_list == 0)
	while (begin_list != 0)
		begin_list = begin_list->next;

// #include <stdio.h>

// void	int_doubler(void *n)
// {
// 	int *num = (int *)n;
// 	*num = *num * 2;
// }

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	t_list *pt_a = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	int	n_a = 0;
// 	pt_a->data = &n_a;
// 	pt_a->next = 0;

// 	t_list *pt_b = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	int	n_b = 3;
// 	pt_b->data = &n_b;
// 	pt_b->next = 0;

// 	t_list *pt_c = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	int	n_c = 4;
// 	pt_c->data = &n_c;
// 	pt_c->next = 0;

// 	pt_a->next = pt_b;
// 	pt_b->next = pt_c;

// 	t_list *cur = pt_a;
// 	while (cur != 0)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", *(int *)(cur->data));
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");

// 	ft_list_foreach(pt_a, int_doubler);

// 	cur = pt_a;
// 	while (cur != 0)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", *(int *)(cur->data));
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }


Assignment name  : ft_itoa
Expected files   : ft_itoa.c
Allowed functions: malloc

Write a function that takes an int and converts it to a null-terminated string.
The function returns the result in a char array that you must allocate.

Your function must be declared as follows:

char	*ft_itoa(int nbr);

#include <stdlib.h>

int		absolute_value(int nbr)
	if (nbr < 0)
		return (-nbr);
	return (nbr);

int		get_len(int nbr)
	int len = 0;
	if (nbr <= 0)
	while (nbr != 0)
		nbr = nbr / 10;
	return (len);

char	*ft_itoa(int nbr)
	char *result;
	int len;

	len = get_len(nbr);
	result = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
	result[len] = '\0';

	if (nbr < 0)
		result[0] = '-';
	else if (nbr == 0)
		result[0] = '0';

	while (nbr != 0)
		result[len] = absolute_value(nbr % 10) + '0';
		nbr = nbr / 10;
	return (result);

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <limits.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	int d = INT_MIN;
// 	printf("%d =? %s\n", d, ft_itoa(d));

// 	d = -13;
// 	printf("%d =? %s\n", d, ft_itoa(d));

// 	d = 0;
// 	printf("%d =? %s\n", d, ft_itoa(d));

// 	d = 5;
// 	printf("%d =? %s\n", d, ft_itoa(d));

// 	d = INT_MAX;
// 	printf("%d =? %s\n", d, ft_itoa(d));
// }


Assignment name  : fprime
Expected files   : fprime.c
Allowed functions: printf, atoi

Write a program that takes a positive int and displays its prime factors on the
standard output, followed by a newline.

Factors must be displayed in ascending order and separated by '*', so that
the expression in the output gives the right result.

If the number of parameters is not 1, simply display a newline.

The input, when there is one, will be valid.


$> ./fprime 225225 | cat -e
$> ./fprime 8333325 | cat -e
$> ./fprime 9539 | cat -e
$> ./fprime 804577 | cat -e
$> ./fprime 42 | cat -e
$> ./fprime 1 | cat -e
$> ./fprime | cat -e
$> ./fprime 42 21 | cat -e

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int		is_prime(int n)
	int i = 2;

	while (i < n)
		if (n % i == 0)
			return (0);
	return (1);

void	fprime(char *str)
	int n = atoi(str);
	int factor = 2;
	int first = 1;

	if (n == 1)

	while (factor <= n)
		if (n % factor == 0 && is_prime(factor))
			if (first == 1)
				printf("%d", factor);
				printf("*%d", factor);
			first = 0;
			n = n / factor;

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)

	return (0);


# flood_fill

## Conceptual Overview
### The Problem
We are asked to write a function that takes arguments of a 2-dimensional array of chars and two coordinate pairs representing the dimensions of the array and the starting point in the array, respectively. The function replaces the starting character and all "connected" characters with 'F', where connected characters are those that have the same value as the starting character and are one space above, below, to the left, or to the right of the starting character or another connected character.

	<summary>Full Subject</summary>

	Assignment name  : flood_fill
	Expected files   : *.c, *.h
	Allowed functions: -

	Write a function that takes a char ** as a 2-dimensional array of char, a 
	t_point as the dimensions of this array and a t_point as the starting point.

	Starting from the given 'begin' t_point, this function fills an entire zone 
	by replacing characters inside with the character 'F'. A zone is an group of 
	the same character delimitated horizontally and vertically by other characters
	or the array boundry.

	The flood_fill function won't fill diagonally.

	The flood_fill function will be prototyped like this:
	  void  flood_fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point begin);

	The t_point structure is prototyped like this:

	  typedef struct  s_point
	    int           x;
	    int           y;
	  }               t_point;


	$> cat test.c
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include "flood_fill.h"

	char** make_area(char** zone, t_point size)
		char** new;

		new = malloc(sizeof(char*) * size.y);
		for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
			new[i] = malloc(size.x + 1);
			for (int j = 0; j < size.x; ++j)
				new[i][j] = zone[i][j];
			new[i][size.x] = '\0';

		return new;

	int main(void)
		t_point size = {8, 5};
		char *zone[] = {

		char**  area = make_area(zone, size);
		for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
			printf("%s\n", area[i]);

		t_point begin = {7, 4};
		flood_fill(area, size, begin);
		for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
			printf("%s\n", area[i]);
		return (0);

	$> gcc flood_fill.c test.c -o test; ./test


### References
* [Subject File (English)](subject.en.txt)
* [flood_fill.c](flood_fill.c)

### Approach

Save the value of the character at the starting location. For each location beginning with the starting position, check if the current location is in-bounds and if the character at the current location matches the character originally at the starting location. If so, change the character at the current location to 'F' and repeat with the locations one row above, one row below, one column to the left, and one column to the right.

### Code
// This code is heavily influenced by @jochang's solution: github.com/MagicHatJo

typedef struct	s_point
	int			x;
	int			y;
}				t_point;

void	fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point cur, char to_fill)
	if (cur.y < 0 || cur.y >= size.y || cur.x < 0 || cur.x >= size.x
		|| tab[cur.y][cur.x] != to_fill)

	tab[cur.y][cur.x] = 'F';
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x - 1, cur.y}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x + 1, cur.y}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x, cur.y - 1}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x, cur.y + 1}, to_fill);

void	flood_fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point begin)
	fill(tab, size, begin, tab[begin.y][begin.x]);

Assignment name  : flood_fill
Expected files   : *.c, *.h
Allowed functions: -

Write a function that takes a char ** as a 2-dimensional array of char, a 
t_point as the dimensions of this array and a t_point as the starting point.

Starting from the given 'begin' t_point, this function fills an entire zone 
by replacing characters inside with the character 'F'. A zone is an group of 
the same character delimitated horizontally and vertically by other characters
or the array boundry.

The flood_fill function won't fill diagonally.

The flood_fill function will be prototyped like this:
  void  flood_fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point begin);

The t_point structure is prototyped like this:

  typedef struct  s_point
    int           x;
    int           y;
  }               t_point;


$> cat test.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "flood_fill.h"

char** make_area(char** zone, t_point size)
	char** new;

	new = malloc(sizeof(char*) * size.y);
	for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
		new[i] = malloc(size.x + 1);
		for (int j = 0; j < size.x; ++j)
			new[i][j] = zone[i][j];
		new[i][size.x] = '\0';

	return new;

int main(void)
	t_point size = {8, 5};
	char *zone[] = {

	char**  area = make_area(zone, size);
	for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
		printf("%s\n", area[i]);

	t_point begin = {7, 4};
	flood_fill(area, size, begin);
	for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i)
		printf("%s\n", area[i]);
	return (0);

$> gcc flood_fill.c test.c -o test; ./test



typedef struct	s_point
	int			x;
	int			y;
}				t_point;

void	fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point cur, char to_fill)
	if (cur.y < 0 || cur.y >= size.y || cur.x < 0 || cur.x >= size.x
		|| tab[cur.y][cur.x] != to_fill)

	tab[cur.y][cur.x] = 'F';
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x - 1, cur.y}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x + 1, cur.y}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x, cur.y - 1}, to_fill);
	fill(tab, size, (t_point){cur.x, cur.y + 1}, to_fill);

void	flood_fill(char **tab, t_point size, t_point begin)
	fill(tab, size, begin, tab[begin.y][begin.x]);



Assignment name  : tab_mult
Expected files   : tab_mult.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that displays a number's multiplication table.

The parameter will always be a strictly positive number that fits in an int,
and said number times 9 will also fit in an int.

If there are no parameters, the program displays \n.


$>./tab_mult 9
1 x 9 = 9
2 x 9 = 18
3 x 9 = 27
4 x 9 = 36
5 x 9 = 45
6 x 9 = 54
7 x 9 = 63
8 x 9 = 72
9 x 9 = 81
$>./tab_mult 19
1 x 19 = 19
2 x 19 = 38
3 x 19 = 57
4 x 19 = 76
5 x 19 = 95
6 x 19 = 114
7 x 19 = 133
8 x 19 = 152
9 x 19 = 171
$>./tab_mult | cat -e

#include <unistd.h>

int		ft_atoi(char *str)
	int n = 0;

	while (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9')
		n = n * 10;
		n = n + *str - '0';
	return (n);

void	ft_putnbr(int n)
	if (n >= 10)
		ft_putnbr(n / 10);

	char c = (n % 10) + '0';
	write(1, &c, 1);

void	tab_mult(char *str)
	int n;
	int i = 1;

	n = ft_atoi(str);
	while (i <= 9)
		write(1, " x ", 3);
		write(1, " = ", 3);
		ft_putnbr(i * n);
		write(1, "\n", 1);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)
		write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);


Assignment name  : str_capitalizer
Expected files   : str_capitalizer.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that takes one or several strings and, for each argument,
capitalizes the first character of each word (If it's a letter, obviously),
puts the rest in lowercase, and displays the result on the standard output,
followed by a \n.

A "word" is defined as a part of a string delimited either by spaces/tabs, or
by the start/end of the string. If a word only has one letter, it must be

If there are no arguments, the progam must display \n.


$> ./str_capitalizer | cat -e
$> ./str_capitalizer "a FiRSt LiTTlE TESt" | cat -e
A First Little Test$
$> ./str_capitalizer "__SecONd teST A LITtle BiT   Moar comPLEX" "   But... This iS not THAT COMPLEX" "     Okay, this is the last 1239809147801 but not    the least    t" | cat -e
__second Test A Little Bit   Moar Complex$
   But... This Is Not That Complex$
     Okay, This Is The Last 1239809147801 But Not    The Least    T$
#include <unistd.h>

void	str_capitalizer(char *str)
	while (*str != '\0')
		while (*str != '\0' && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t'))
			write(1, str, 1);

		if (*str != '\0')
			if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z')
				*str = *str - ('a' - 'A');
			write(1, str, 1);

		while (*str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t')
			if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z')
				*str = *str + ('a' - 'A');
			write(1, str, 1);
	write(1, "\n", 1);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 1)
		write(1, "\n", 1);
		int i = 1;
		while (i < argc)

	return (0);


Assignment name  : rstr_capitalizer
Expected files   : rstr_capitalizer.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that takes one or more strings and, for each argument, puts 
the last character that is a letter of each word in uppercase and the rest
in lowercase, then displays the result followed by a \n.

A word is a section of string delimited by spaces/tabs or the start/end of the
string. If a word has a single letter, it must be capitalized.

A letter is a character in the set [a-zA-Z]

If there are no parameters, display \n.


$> ./rstr_capitalizer | cat -e
$> ./rstr_capitalizer "a FiRSt LiTTlE TESt" | cat -e
A firsT littlE tesT$
$> ./rstr_capitalizer "SecONd teST A LITtle BiT   Moar comPLEX" "   But... This iS not THAT COMPLEX" "     Okay, this is the last 1239809147801 but not    the least    t" | cat -e
seconD tesT A littlE biT   moaR compleX$
   but... thiS iS noT thaT compleX$
     okay, thiS iS thE lasT 1239809147801 buT noT    thE leasT    T$


#include <unistd.h>

void	str_capitalizer(char *str)
	while (*str != '\0')
		while (*str != '\0' && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t'))
			write(1, str, 1);

		while (*str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t')
			if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z'
			&& (*(str + 1) == '\0' || *(str + 1) == ' ' || *(str + 1) == '\t'))
				*str = *str - ('a' - 'A');
			else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z' && *(str + 1) != '\0'
			&& *(str + 1) != ' ' && *(str + 1) != '\t')
				*str = *str + ('a' - 'A');
			write(1, str, 1);
	write(1, "\n", 1);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 1)
		write(1, "\n", 1);
		int i = 1;
		while (i < argc)

	return (0);


Assignment name  : print_hex
Expected files   : print_hex.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that takes a positive (or zero) number expressed in base 10,
and displays it in base 16 (lowercase letters) followed by a newline.

If the number of parameters is not 1, the program displays a newline.


$> ./print_hex "10" | cat -e
$> ./print_hex "255" | cat -e
$> ./print_hex "5156454" | cat -e
$> ./print_hex | cat -e

#include <unistd.h>

int		ft_atoi(char *str)
	int n = 0;

	while (*str != '\0')
		n = n * 10;
		n = n + *str - '0';
	return (n);

void	print_hex(int n)
	char hex_digits[] = "0123456789abcdef";

	if (n >= 16)
		print_hex(n / 16);
	write(1, &hex_digits[n % 16], 1);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)

	write(1, "\n", 1);


# pgcd

## Conceptual Overview
### The Problem
We are asked to write a program that is given two strings as argument, each representing a positive whole number. It finds the [greatest common divisor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor) and prints it.

[ [Full Subject](subject.en.txt) | [Examples](examples.txt) ]

### Approach
Convert the arguments from strings to ints. Starting with a test number equal to the smaller of the two numbers passed as argument, check if the test value divides both numbers evenly. If it does, the test number is the greatest common divisor; print it and exit. Otherwise, subtract 1 from the test number and test again until until the GCD is found.

This approach can be optimized further in the case where the smaller number given as argument does not divide the larger one evenly. In this case, instead of subtracting 1 from the test number, it can be divided by 2 and added to 1 before continuing the loop as described above. Because an optimized solution is not required, I use the simpler version here.

## Pseudocode
If more or less than 2 arguments have been given
	print a newline and exit
set int x to integer value of first argument
set int y to integer value of second argument
set int test to the smaller of x and y
while test is greater than 0
	if test divides x evenly and test divides y evenly
		print test and exit
		set test to its own value minus 1
print a newline and exit.

## Test cases
It is particularly important to test cases in which one of the arguments is 1, one of the arguments is a divisor of the other, and in which the GCD of the numbers is 1.
./pgcd "920556" "1980488"
./pgcd "1803684" "3539916"
./pgcd "15" "18"
./pgcd "6" "18"
./pgcd "13" "17"
./pgcd "1" "17"
Assignment name  : pgcd
Expected files   : pgcd.c
Allowed functions: printf, atoi, malloc, free

Write a program that takes two strings representing two strictly positive
integers that fit in an int.

Display their highest common denominator followed by a newline (It's always a
strictly positive integer).

If the number of parameters is not 2, display a newline.


$> ./pgcd 42 10 | cat -e
$> ./pgcd 42 12 | cat -e
$> ./pgcd 14 77 | cat -e
$> ./pgcd 17 3 | cat -e 
$> ./pgcd | cat -e
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void	pgcd(int a, int b)
	int n = a;

	while (n > 0)
		if (a % n == 0 && b % n == 0)
			printf("%d", n);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 3)
		pgcd(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]));

	return (0);


Assignment name  : lcm
Expected files   : lcm.c
Allowed functions:

Write a function who takes two unsigned int as parameters and returns the 
computed LCM of those parameters.

LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of two non-zero integers is the smallest postive
integer divisible by the both integers.

A LCM can be calculated in two ways:

- You can calculate every multiples of each integers until you have a common
multiple other than 0

- You can use the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of these two integers and 
calculate as follows:

	LCM(x, y) = | x * y | / HCF(x, y)
  | x * y | means "Absolute value of the product of x by y"

If at least one integer is null, LCM is equal to 0.

Your function must be prototyped as follows:

  unsigned int    lcm(unsigned int a, unsigned int b);
unsigned int	lcm(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
	if (a == 0 || b == 0)
		return (0);

	unsigned int n;
	if (a > b)
		n = a;
		n = b;

	while (1)
		if (n % a == 0 && n % b == 0)
			return (n);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int main(void)
// {
// 	printf("%u\n", lcm(0, 5));
// }


Assignment name  : hidenp
Expected files   : hidenp.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program named hidenp that takes two strings and displays 1
followed by a newline if the first string is hidden in the second one,
otherwise displays 0 followed by a newline.

Let s1 and s2 be strings. We say that s1 is hidden in s2 if it's possible to
find each character from s1 in s2, in the same order as they appear in s1.
Also, the empty string is hidden in any string.

If the number of parameters is not 2, the program displays a newline.

Examples :

$>./hidenp "fgex.;" "tyf34gdgf;'ektufjhgdgex.;.;rtjynur6" | cat -e
$>./hidenp "abc" "2altrb53c.sse" | cat -e
$>./hidenp "abc" "btarc" | cat -e
$>./hidenp | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

void	hidenp(char *probe, char *target)
	while (*probe != '\0')
		while (*probe != *target && *target != '\0')
		if (*target == '\0')
			write(1, "0", 1);
	write(1, "1", 1);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 3)
		hidenp(argv[1], argv[2]);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);


Assignment name  : ft_rrange
Expected files   : ft_rrange.c
Allowed functions: malloc

Write the following function:

int     *ft_rrange(int start, int end);

It must allocate (with malloc()) an array of integers, fill it with consecutive
values that begin at end and end at start (Including start and end !), then
return a pointer to the first value of the array.


- With (1, 3) you will return an array containing 3, 2 and 1
- With (-1, 2) you will return an array containing 2, 1, 0 and -1.
- With (0, 0) you will return an array containing 0.
- With (0, -3) you will return an array containing -3, -2, -1 and 0.

#include <stdlib.h>

int		absolute_value(int n)
	if (n < 0)
		return (-n);
	return (n);

int		*ft_rrange(int start, int end)
	int number_of_ints;
	int *array;
	int step;
	int i;

	number_of_ints = 1 + absolute_value(end - start);
	array = malloc(sizeof(int) * number_of_ints);

	if (start > end)
		step = 1;
		step = -1;

	i = 0;
	while (i < number_of_ints)
		array[i] = end;
		end = end + step;
	return (array);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	int start = 0;
// 	int end = -3;

// 	int *arr = ft_rrange(start, end);

// 	int i = 0;
// 	while (i < 1 + absolute_value(end - start))
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", arr[i]);
// 		++i;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }


Assignment name  : ft_range
Expected files   : ft_range.c
Allowed functions: malloc

Write the following function:

int     *ft_range(int start, int end);

It must allocate (with malloc()) an array of integers, fill it with consecutive
values that begin at start and end at end (Including start and end !), then
return a pointer to the first value of the array.


- With (1, 3) you will return an array containing 1, 2 and 3.
- With (-1, 2) you will return an array containing -1, 0, 1 and 2.
- With (0, 0) you will return an array containing 0.
- With (0, -3) you will return an array containing 0, -1, -2 and -3.
#include <stdlib.h>

int		absolute_value(int n)
	if (n < 0)
		return (-n);
	return (n);

int		*ft_range(int start, int end)
	int number_of_ints;
	int *array;
	int step;
	int i;

	number_of_ints = 1 + absolute_value(end - start);
	array = malloc(sizeof(int) * number_of_ints);

	if (start < end)
		step = 1;
		step = -1;

	i = 0;
	while (i < number_of_ints)
		array[i] = start;
		start = start + step;
	return (array);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	int start = -1;
// 	int end = 2;

// 	int *arr = ft_range(start, end);

// 	int i = 0;
// 	while (i < 1 + absolute_value(end - start))
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", arr[i]);
// 		++i;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }


Assignment name  : ft_list_size
Expected files   : ft_list_size.c, ft_list.h
Allowed functions: 

Write a function that returns the number of elements in the linked list that's
passed to it.

It must be declared as follows:

int	ft_list_size(t_list *begin_list);

You must use the following structure, and turn it in as a file called

typedef struct    s_list
    struct s_list *next;
    void          *data;
}                 t_list;

#include "ft_list.h"

int	ft_list_size(t_list *begin_list)
	if (begin_list == 0)
		return (0);
		return (1 + ft_list_size(begin_list->next));

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>

// int	main(void)
// {
// 	int n = 0;

// 	t_list *c = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	c->next = 0;
// 	c->data = &n;

// 	t_list *b = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	b->next = c;
// 	b->data = &n;

// 	t_list *a = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	a->next = b;
// 	a->data = &n;

// 	printf("%d\n", ft_list_size(a));
// }


atoi base

Assignment name  : ft_atoi_base
Expected files   : ft_atoi_base.c
Allowed functions: None

Write a function that converts the string argument str (base N <= 16)
to an integer (base 10) and returns it.

The characters recognized in the input are: 0123456789abcdef
Those are, of course, to be trimmed according to the requested base. For
example, base 4 recognizes "0123" and base 16 recognizes "0123456789abcdef".

Uppercase letters must also be recognized: "12fdb3" is the same as "12FDB3".

Minus signs ('-') are interpreted only if they are the first character of the

Your function must be declared as follows:

int	ft_atoi_base(const char *str, int str_base);
char	to_lower(char c)
	if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
		return (c + ('a' - 'A'));
	return (c);

int		get_digit(char c, int digits_in_base)
	int max_digit;
	if (digits_in_base <= 10)
		max_digit = digits_in_base + '0';
		max_digit = digits_in_base - 10 + 'a';

	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' && c <= max_digit)
		return (c - '0');
	else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' && c <= max_digit)
		return (10 + c - 'a');
		return (-1);

int		ft_atoi_base(const char *str, int str_base)
	int result = 0;
	int sign = 1;
	int digit;

	if (*str == '-')
		sign = -1;

	while ((digit = get_digit(to_lower(*str), str_base)) >= 0)
		result = result * str_base;
		result = result + (digit * sign);
	return (result);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	printf("%d\n", ft_atoi_base("15690b80B", 13));
// }


Assignment name  : expand_str
Expected files   : expand_str.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that takes a string and displays it with exactly three spaces
between each word, with no spaces or tabs either at the beginning or the end,
followed by a newline.

A word is a section of string delimited either by spaces/tabs, or by the
start/end of the string.

If the number of parameters is not 1, or if there are no words, simply display
a newline.


$> ./expand_str "See? It's easy to print the same thing" | cat -e
See?   It's   easy   to   print   the   same   thing$
$> ./expand_str " this        time it      will     be    more complex  " | cat -e
this   time   it   will   be   more   complex$
$> ./expand_str "No S*** Sherlock..." "nAw S*** ShErLaWQ..." | cat -e
$> ./expand_str "" | cat -e

#include <unistd.h>

int		word_len(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t')
	return (i);

void	expand_str(char *str)
	int len;
	int first_word = 1;

	while (*str != '\0')
		while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
		len = word_len(str);
		if (len > 0 && first_word == 0)
			write(1, "   ", 3);
		first_word = 0;
		write(1, str, len);
		str = str + len;

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)

	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);


Assignment name  : epur_str
Expected files   : epur_str.c
Allowed functions: write

Write a program that takes a string, and displays this string with exactly one
space between words, with no spaces or tabs either at the beginning or the end,
followed by a \n.

A "word" is defined as a part of a string delimited either by spaces/tabs, or
by the start/end of the string.

If the number of arguments is not 1, or if there are no words to display, the
program displays \n.


$> ./epur_str "See? It's easy to print the same thing" | cat -e
See? It's easy to print the same thing$
$> ./epur_str " this        time it      will     be    more complex  . " | cat -e
this time it will be more complex .$
$> ./epur_str "No S*** Sherlock..." "nAw S*** ShErLaWQ..." | cat -e
$> ./epur_str "" | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

int		skip_whitespace(char *str, int i)
	while (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t')
	return (i);

int		ft_wordlen(char *str)
	int i = 0;

	while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t')
	return (i);

void	epur_str(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	int first_word = 1;
	int word_len;

	i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	while (str[i] != '\0')
		if (first_word == 0)
			write(1, " ", 1);
		word_len = ft_wordlen(str + i);
		write(1, str + i, word_len);
		i = i + word_len;
		first_word = 0;
		i = skip_whitespace(str, i);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc == 2)
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);