
# rostring

## Conceptual Overview
### The Problem
We are asked to write a program that is given a string as argument. It prints the 2nd through last words followed by the first word, with exactly one space between the words printed.

[ [Full Subject](subject.en.txt) | [Examples](examples.txt) ]

### Approach
Create a huge array of pointers to char. Step through the string passed as argument, converting spaces & tabs to '\0', and as the beginning of each word is found, store a pointer to it in the array. Print the 2nd through last words in the array followed by a space, then print the first word.

This approach is sloppy and tedious to code, but easy to debug.

## Pseudocode
If exactly 0 arguments have been given
	print a newline and exit
set char *str to the beginning of the first argument
create an array named "words" containing several thousand char * pointers initialized to NULL
set int i to 0
while str points to a non-'\0' character
	while str points to a whitespace, non-'\0' character
		set the character pointed to by str to '\0'
		increment str forward one character
	if str points to a non-'\0' character
		set element i in the array words to the value of str
	while str points to a non-whitespace, non-'\0' character
		increment str forward one character
	if str points to a non-'\0' character
		set i to its own value plus 1
set int i to 1
while element i of the array words is a non-NULL pointer
	print the string pointed to by element i of words
	set i to its own value plus 1
if element 0 of the array words is a non-NULL pointer
	print the string pointed to by element 0 of words
print a newline

## Test cases
./rostring "Que la      lumiere soit et la lumiere fut"
./rostring "     AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y"
./rostring "first" "2" "11000000"
./rostring "abc"
./rostring " abc"
./rostring "abc "
./rostring "abc def"
./rostring "abc  def   ghi    "
./rostring ""
./rostring " "
Assignment name  : rostring
Expected files   : rostring.c
Allowed functions: write, malloc, free

Write a program that takes a string and displays this string after rotating it
one word to the left.

Thus, the first word becomes the last, and others stay in the same order.

A "word" is defined as a part of a string delimited either by spaces/tabs, or
by the start/end of the string.

Words will be separated by only one space in the output.

If there's less than one argument, the program displays \n.


$>./rostring "abc   " | cat -e
$>./rostring "Que la      lumiere soit et la lumiere fut"
la lumiere soit et la lumiere fut Que
$>./rostring "     AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y"
zLKIJz , 23y AkjhZ
$>./rostring "first" "2" "11000000"
$>./rostring | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

int		skip_whitespace(char *str, int i)
	while (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t')
	return (i);

int		ft_wordlen(char *str)
	int i = 0;

	while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t')
	return (i);

int		print_word(char *str, int i, int *is_first)
	int word_len;

	i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	word_len = ft_wordlen(str + i);
	if (*is_first == 0)
		write(1, " ", 1);
	write(1, str + i, word_len);
	*is_first = 0;
	return (i + word_len);

int		epur_str(char *str)
	int i = 0;
	int is_first = 1;

	i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	while (str[i] != '\0')
		i = print_word(str, i, &is_first);
		i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
	return (is_first);

int		main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc >= 2)
		char *str = argv[1];
		int i = 0;
		int is_first;

		i = skip_whitespace(str, i);
		i = i + ft_wordlen(str + i);
		is_first = epur_str(str + i);
		print_word(str, 0, &is_first);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);